Bioinformatics so what is it ?, why we need it and how it can help us ? so here’s the answer

Let’s talk about the official defination of bioinformatics . it is an emerging field of science that deals with the application of computers to the collection, organisation, analysis, manipulation, presentation and sharing or biological data.

It is an interdisciplinary subject which involves molecular biology , genetics , maths , statistics , computer science and programming.

It’s main use it to present and analyse the biological data . these days as computers have taken over the worlds we use computer in every aspect of science.

Once upon a time in research we have to use large amount of biological data and have to analyse them manually which took years to reach a conclusion but nowadays we can analyse these data in a couple of days .

Scientist uses computers because of large amount of nucleotide and protein sequence data which was retrieved by various research techniques. They uses bioinformatics tools in their daily research . it’s main activity is to use internet available database to analyse the dna , rna or protein sequences. It has also some clinical applications as the whole genome sequencing of an organisms allows for the production of a complete list of human gene products which can or may provide news drugs and gene therapy for single gene diseases may become routine.

Other than analysis of genome sequence data, bioinformatics can be used for other vast array of vital task such as gene variation analysis, it’s expression, predication and analysis of structure and function of rna , dna or protein