Category: microbiology notes

microbiology notes is a educational category of phoenixbioinfosys related to microbiology,bacteriology,virology,parasitology,mycology,immunology,molecular biology, biochemistry , etc. and different branches of biology as well as microbiology. it is created with aim to provide study notes to undergrads, post grades, students in BPT,MBBS,DMLT,MLT, B.Sc., M.Sc. especially useful in exam time. About us you wanna know ?, let’s start we are Phoenixbioinfosys a company who is working towards interest of every science interest . Our members encourage everyone from young science enthusiast to working scientist . all of whom love science and their mysterious as well as interesting fields. By taking care of the many ups and downs. We allow our members to focus on other facets of their life or say the joy of learning .

We are fully committed community of life science ,medical science , cyber security , Hacking and technology experts that Produce and share the information you want to know or learn about in every possible way

We are a committed group to create a continuously expanding tree of free content which includes recent innovation , walkthroughs , researches and also tech innovations

Togethers let’s create a community of interesting science while helping eachother with what we know and what we want to know